Thursday, December 3, 2015

Noodleini 5k - Race Report

One of the more prominent providers of endurance races throughout central Wisconsin is Du Tri Run.  Every year, I participate in at least 2 or 3 of their events as my schedule allows.  It is just too convenient not to take advantage of these events.  This year, though, I registered for 5 events.  With Du Tri Run, when you register for 5 events, you get one free, pretty sweet if you ask me.  So, after my last Du Tri Run event, I took a look at all the remaining events and compared them to my work schedule.  There was only one race left in the calendar year that I was able to do....the Noodleini 5k/15k.  Simply put that is the only reason I signed up for this race.  I would have never even thought about racing just 3 days after a 5 mile Turkey Trot race had it not been free.  But, I can always afford free.  So here we are, a race right at the end of a holiday synonymous with gluttony....great.  On top of that, I found out about a week or two before the race, that my in-laws were hosting a small family Thanksgiving at their place on Saturday night...the night before the race...PERFECT!  <eye roll>

On top of the race being free, Du Tri Run also has what is called "The 5 Star Series."  Basically, you race in 5 races and add up the total of your age group finishing place and whoever has the fewest points at the end of the season, places 1st, and so on.  Then, at the end of the year, Du Tri Run hosts a banquet to honor the previous year.  In my previous 5 races, I have placed 1st in all but one, which I placed 3rd.  So I really wanted to change that 3 to a 1, which was another reason for wanting to race the Noodleini.

After having a successful (by my terms) race at the Turkey Trot just days before the Noodleini, I decided to enjoy myself Saturday night and just see what happens on Sunday.  If I drank too much and stayed up too late, and ended up feeling like shit Sunday morning, I'd skip it...I mean it was a free race, that I never really intended on racing in.  Or, if I woke up and felt "blah," I'd just suck it up buttercup, and just see what I could do with a hangover...I mean really...what's the worst that could happen....   

Training for This Race

On Friday after the Turkey Trot I was back in the pool for a mile swim.  It was nothing too difficult, but it wasn't a sluff-off session either.  Saturday, I was honestly too busy to workout even if I wanted to.  We were up early to get up north with my entire family for our annual tradition of cutting down our Christmas tree.  Then after getting back home, it was right over to my in-laws for the Thanksgiving dinner that I mention above.


The night before the race was fun.  We wanted to change things up a bit from the traditional Thanksgiving meal of turkey and gravy with mashed potatoes and corn, etc, etc, etc.  So we planned a Mexican themed dinner with everything from fresh made guacamole, authentic Mexican stew, Tacos al Pastor, enchiladas...literally the whole nine yards.  I was in charged of the Tacos al Pastor, and if you know me, I don't half ass shit.  The tacos were a huge production.  It took me a few hours just to cook the meat at my in-laws house.  I started cooking around 4pm and it was no coincidence that was also the time I popped the top off of a cold Dos Equis lager.  It was so good...I knew I wasn't just having a couple. 

I kept myself in check though.  The dinner and evening was a lot of fun and the food was great.  We made it home after 10pm and was in bed shortly after midnight.  I set my alarm for 6am and really questioned what the hell I was thinking.  But, I actually woke up and got my ass out of bed around 6:30 and was out the door with my much need mug of coffee around 6:50.  The race started at 8am at De Pere West High School, which is only about a 20 minute drive from my house.  I got there with plenty of time to get my race bib and start warming up.  The weather was pretty much perfect, with temperatures in the upper 20's with just about no wind.  They also host a 15k race which starts prior to the 5k, with the 5k started about 5 minutes after the 15k start.  I was feeling pretty good, all things considered.  I definitely was not hung over and really at most was just a little tired.

Nutrition Plan

My nutrition plan was to just make it through the race.  I didn't eat anything prior and had no intentions of eating anything during.  I did take my usual 2 capsules of Hammer Anti-Fatigue Caps an hour prior to the race.


Road ID Elite

3.1 Mile Run

The race got started to a rather shitty start, honestly, and there really wasn't anything I could (politely) do about it.  The entire front of the race start was littered with kids and slow runners who just wanted to be at the front for the start.  Nothing annoys me more, than people who want to be at the start line just to sprint the first quarter mile just to pull off to the side so they can walk and catch their breath.  Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled they are out there, trying to better themselves.  But, when they effect others, it just pisses me off.  But, like I said, there is really nothing I can do about it, other than physically push them off the start line to make room for myself, but I wasn't about to do that.  So I just sucked it up and tried to remain in control of what I could control.

Truthfully speaking, it really doesn't effect the race start that much, just enough to be a thorn in my side.  But once the gun went off, I did my best to get into my rhythm and dodge the kids and slower runners that I knew would just fade after the first couple hundred meters or so.  Once the wannabe's were behind me, there was about 4 or 5 guys in front of me.  I really thought a couple of them would fade putting me in the top 3, but knew I had plenty of time ahead of me to pick them off.  I just kept plugging away.  I was feeling surprisingly good....hell I was feeling great.  My cadence was damn near perfect, and I felt relaxed.  I couldn't believe it.  I was going on less than 6 hours of sleep and coming off a night of sucking down cervesas and tacos.

After the first couple miles, I hadn't passed any of the guys ahead of me.  I decided to take a chance and crank up my effort and try to catch up to at least one of the guys.  I really don't remember how many I passed, but I ended up finishing in 4th place overall and 1st in my age group.  I finished in 17:50!

Post Race

After finishing the race, I was so surprised with my finishing time.  It was by far my fastest 5k of the year.  I was only 9 seconds off of my 5k personal record!  I hadn't run a sub 18 minute 5k in a long time.  And now, here I was, after a night of no-no's I run my best race of the year???  If I had gone into this race with the attitude of I have to do everything right, and ate right, drank water, and got a good night sleep, who knows what would have happened?  Would I have run a PR?  Would I have run yet another 18+ minute 5k?  Who knows.  All I know, is I ran a great race and far passed my expectations.

I eventually made my way back into the high school for the age group awards.  The race is sponsored by Noodles and Company...hence the NOODLEini (duh).  Everyone got some free Noodle's mac and cheese along with a Rice Krispie treat.  I stuck around until I received my trophy for placing 1st in my age group, at which time I headed out to get back home and get ready to go to yet another (and last) family Thanksgiving meal.   

What's on Tap

 At the start of this post, I touched on the 5 Start Series.  I had thought I had all but wrapped up the Male 30-34 age group.  I jumped online to see if I could get some information about the banquet and the rankings.  As I jumped on the Du Tri Run website, I read a section on the 5 Star Series I don't recall ever seeing.  It was written in plan English...

New in 2015

To qualify for the 2015 Aurora BayCare Series you must complete a swim and a bike event.  Relays will be counted as one of the 5 events, but you will not get a score.

Yup....You must complete in a swim and bike event...i.e. a triathlon.  I only completed a duathon this past triathlons.  I was slightly disappointed.  It's not like I intentionally avoided doing a triathlon and it's not like I probably would have placed 1st in my age group.  I honestly couldn't race in any of the scheduled triathlons through Du Tri Run due to my work schedule.  I literally had to work on each and every scheduled triathlon.  Oh well, I guess.  There ain't much of anything I can do, other than just be proud of how my year of racing has gone for me.

On tap, I have one and only one more race to complete to accomplish my goal of completing a race in each month of the year.  So far, through 11 months, I have completed in 13 (14 if you count the Santa Scamper).  I am eyeing up a New Year's Eve race in Fond du Lac.  Most likely, that will be the race I, literally and figuratively, close out the year with.  But, until then, thanks for reading!


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Festival Foods Turkey Trot - Race Report

It's been a few years since I last run in the Festival Foods Turkey Trot. The last year I ran in it in 2012. This year, my work schedule was about as good as it gets, especially for a holiday weekend. I didn't have to work on Thanksgiving and also had the two days before and after I said, damn near perfect. I was quick to sign up for this years Turkey Trot, as it is one of my favorite events. Yea, yea, yea....I know I say that a lot about races, but the Turkey Trot is just a fun event. First, our family is always available on Thanksgiving morning, so everyone in my family gets to participate. Secondly, they offer a 2 mile walk/"dog jog" in addition to the more competitive 5 mile run. Thirdly, what better way to kick off a holiday synonymous with stuffing your mouths with food, than with a little bit of exercise? Oh yea....and the top 5 male and top 5 female finishers each get a free turkey and EVERYONE gets a FREE PUMPKIN PIE!

Training for This Race

Again, no specific training, but I have been staying pretty committed with increasing my running volume over the last couple months. I have been up in the 30+ miles per week, which isn't too bad for me, especially when I'm not following a marathon plan. I wanted to keep my running stress relatively low leading up to this race, since I had two races planned this week, one on Thursday and a second on Sunday. So, I ran 8 miles on Sunday, and 6 on Tuesday (not counting the Santa Scamper). I then swam on Monday and Wednesday.


Again, much like the Freaky 5k, I found myself watching the weather as there was rain in the forecast, the entire week leading up to the race. We had planned on Sarah doing the 2 mile dog jog with the kids and our pups, so we had to be a little more considerate of the weather. The race started at 8am and parking in Downtown Appleton is a huge pain in the butt, so I really wanted to leave around 6:30am to get a decent parking spot around 6:45ish. I woke up around 6:00 and between Sarah and I, we were able to get the kids up and dressed and ready to go by 6:45. The weather forecast was still calling for rain, but just a light drizzle with temperatures in the low to mid 40's. All-in-all, not a bad morning, especially for Thanksgiving in Wisconsin. We ended finding a great parking spot and had some time to spare and just hang out in the car for a while before leaving to head to the start line. I left a little earlier than Sarah to get warmed up. I was able to get a decent warm up in and was feeling pretty good and was feeling confident to have a good race. On a complete side note....the race takes place right on College Av. in Appleton (Downtown). The race start is directly outside the Paper Valley Hotel, which happens to be the same hotel NFL teams stay at when they are in town to play to Packers. The Chicago Bears were spending the night there for their Thanksgiving day match up against the Packers. To kick off the race, the announcer prompted a "GO PACK GO" chant to upset the rival Bears. Evidently this worked as the Bears had called down to complain about the noise.

Nutrition Plan

To stay consistent with shorter races, I didn't eat anything before and also didn't plan to take anything during the race. All I took was 2 Hammer Nutrition Anti-Fatigue Caps one hour prior to the start of the race.


Road ID Elite

5 Mile Run

Other than early in the year, all my running races this year had been 5k (3.1 miles). I have become pretty comfortable with running this distance. I really wasn't sure what my strategy was going to be with this race. Mentally, I had the plan to think of it as a 2 mile "warm up" followed by a 5k, that ended up becoming my race plan. It was simple and left room for flexibility. I also knew that there was a steep hill around mile 4 of the race, so I knew I would need to keep some energy in the bank to propel me up the hill without burning out during the final mile.

After the race started, I started conservatively and allowed all the foolish runners who like to sprint at the start pass me. After the first right hand turn, I was running comfortably and just kept reminding myself that this was not a 5k, that I had 5 miles ahead of me. The first 2 miles went by and I was feeling really good. My breathing was "in sync" with my pace and heart rate. By this point in the race, most of the guys who went out too fast have faded back to their proper place. I continued to just stay focused on the distance remaining relative to how I was feeling physically. I also just kept on trying to catch up to the running in front of me and passing them.

After passing mile 3, I knew I could start to kick up the pace a tad. Even if my pace did not increase, I know my perceived exertion increased. Right around mile 3.5, you head down a steep hill that runs along a river for about a quarter mile, before heading up the steep hill I mentioned before. Coming down the home stretch I was passed by another guy who had a strong kick, but ultimately, didn't loose a spot as I passed a different guy shortly there after.

The last time I ran this race, the 2 mile walk and the 5 mile run joined together during the last tenth of a mile and finished together under the same finish line. I don't know if they changed that this year, or one of the other two years which I wasn't able to participate, but this year they separated the two finish lines. The 5 mile runners were never on the same course except for the very beginning, but this was never an issue due to a staggered start. In the past the finish line was so cluttered with walkers that the runners had to dodge and run around groups of walkers. Honestly, it wasn't fair to either of the two groups. The runners wanted to finish fast and hard without interruption, while the walkers didn't want to get bumped and brushed by runners. So this change was a no brainer and a great change!

I ended up finishing in 30:39 averaging a 6:08/mile pace. I finished 20th overall and 1st in my age group. This was my 5th (of 8) Turkey Trots. It was also the 3rd race on this course. It was my second best time and my best time on this course. I am extremely happy with my race. I went into this race with a "high end" goal of finishing under 30 minutes. I had a more realistic goal of finishing around 31-32 minutes.

Post Race

After the race, I headed over to the finish line of the 2 mile untimed walk to try and track down Sarah, the girls, and my mom, who all walked together. On my way to their finish line, I grabbed my FREE pumpkin pie (another great reason to run this event), and stopped by the "Runner's Food" table, where I grabbed some doughnut holes and a bottled water. I ended up hanging around the finish line for about 10 minutes. I was started to get a little chilly and decided to walk the course in reverse to find them on the course. I walked all the way to the end of the walkers and didn't find them. I walked all the way back and ended up finding them near the food table. We packed up and headed home to get showered up and ready to make the rounds to all our families to stuff our gullets with Thanksgiving food!

What's on Tap

As I write this, I have already done the Noodleini 5k, but taking this one step at a time, I will write this as what was going through my mind after the Turkey Trot. So, the next race I had schedule was the Noodleini 5k on Sunday, just 3 days after the Turkey Trot. I went into this three day stretch with a specific personal goal of NO RUNNING. I wanted to try to avoid any excess stress that just wasn't necessary. On Friday, I felt good, and good enough to go for swim, which I did. Saturday, was a busy day and frankly just too busy to even workout if I wanted to. Lucky for me, because, I was the most sore on Saturday, so I was glad I was too busy to even consider working out.

Thanks for reading!