Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Site Makeover

This past week, I put some work into my blog.  For the past 5 years, I have been operating under the name "The Irondad Triathlete."  I liked the name and frankly, still do.  The picture that was on top of my old page was from a race we did as a family in August of 2015.  Harper was only 18 months during that picture.  She now nearly 4.  And as for me, I haven't raced a triathlon since July 2015, and don't know when I will take the plunge again...if ever. 

Don't get me wrong, I love the sport of triathlon.  But, to be honest, it takes a lot of time, and eats up a lot of money.  Triathlon isn't and never will be a cheap sport.  Its one of the only sports where money can make you better.  You can literally buy speed, if you don't believe me, just step foot in your local bike shop.  As a father of 3 daughters, working shift work as a police officer, married to a wife who has recently taken up running, life is just a bit hectic, to say the least.  I just don't have the free time for brick workouts, multiple hour bike rides, and just a half hour swim session can eat up a total of 1.5-2 hours (including travel, showering, etc.)

This is why I have taken so much to running...its cheap.  Really, all you need are shoes.  Its also convenient.  I can run literally any time of the day, in any weather, and from anywhere.  Cycling on the other hand is very restrictive.  You really can't ride during the winter, its not safe to ride at night or before the sun comes up.  And nothing is worse the riding in the cold.  I can also run with all three kids.  Maya is able to ride along on her bike, while I push the other two in our stroller.  And now that we have a treadmill in our basement, there is literally no excuse for me not to get a run in.

I have also grown to really love the sport.  Its never boring and always challenging.  You can always improve on something.  Regardless of what place you may take, you are always truly racing the clock and the clock never lies.

So, when I decided to update my photo header, I wanted to change the appearance of my site.  I also wanted a new name.  Something that fit, something that was catchy.  In fantasy football, most of my team names are The IronPigs (see inset photo).  Iron from when I finished my first and only Ironman (2013) and Pigs from my profession.  I thought about a name and came up with The Endurance Pig.  Not the Running Pig, not the Triathlon Pig, but fits regardless if I get back into triathlon.  It fits me...who I am.

But Matt, isn't pig a derogatory name for cops?  Well, yea, I guess.  But it is only derogatory if I let it.  I actually kind of embrace the name, I mean why not.  Just because I say its mean and hurtful, doesn't mean people will stop using it...yea right!  Instead, why not like it?  Actually, back in the 16th century in England, pig was slang for a bad person in general...not just police.  But it wasn't until the 1800's when pickpockets began referring the the police at pigs for confiscating their pick locks.

To be honest I haven't really minded the term pig.  Hell, if I did, them my family wouldn't be able to say, "Hey, Tom, do you smell bacon?" when I show up to family functions...  Plus, I have a couple hats with pig logos.  Its who I am, and no stupid name is going to ruin my day.

So, here we are, the end of 2017 and the start of The Endurance Pig.  I have big plans for my blog this upcoming year, on top of big plans and goals for the 2018 race season.  But, I'm going to save that for another day!   

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