Wednesday, January 24, 2018

January Eagle Hunt

Something I want to try to do more this year is to post more short and simple posts with photos.  This Christmas, Sarah got me a new Canon DSLR, which I love using.  But, along with taking pictures, I want to post some of my favorites.  So, today and yesterday, I went out in search of eagles, as they seem to be super active this time of year.  Below are a few of my shots from my eagle hunt.  I am just beginning to learn how to use the camera and need to get used to adjusting the shutter speed and aperture depending on what I'm shooting and in what light conditions. 


  1. I manage the fox shores apartment complex right on the fox river (next to Ghost Town Fitness) and there are 2 eagle nests right in that area. Check it out sometime!

    1. I'll have to try and get down there this upcoming week!
