Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Cycle #1 is in the Books - Cycles 1-2

Its hard for me to think that I am already moving onto cycle 2 in my training program - and frankly, its pretty obvious my mental state is still in "off season" mode.  The last training update I posted, I laid out the basics of my training program.  I explained that my program consisted of 30, 9-day cycles.  So, basically, I am 1/30th (3.33% done with training!).  Bear with me as I attempt to find a good format for my training update posts.  I want to find a good, easy to follow layout that explains what I did, changed, went though, what I did well, what I need to improve, what I learned, etc.  I want to accomplish all that without repeating myself or ending up with a ridiculously long post.  With every cycle update, I will post a picture of what the previous training week ended up looking like with times and distances.  This will include my daily weight, daily totals, and a cumulative total of distances on top.  Further down I will also include my upcoming training schedule.  With that being said, let's dive into the past 9 days and the upcoming 9 days.

Brief Recap

The past 9 days of training were by no means overwhelmingly difficult.  But getting mentally focused was.  I found that my mind was still operating in "off season" mode.  I began the cycle making smart decisions.  But, as the week wore on, I found it more and more difficult to get out of bed to train.  I also found my eating habits going south in a hurry.  Maybe it's the time of the year, maybe it's just me.  After a couple really good days of eating right and fueling my body, I started eating like crap towards the end of the cycle.  I was pigging out on Christmas cookies, ice cream, processed cereals, and plenty of beer.  I was in a downward spiral of having one, then thinking, "Oh - just live a little, one more won't hurt you!"  Well, after an inexcusable amount of cookies (I'm sure 8+) I was hating myself and feeling like crap.  I have always had a sweet tooth, I love baked goods and ice cream (especially cookie dough! - my mouth is watering just thinking of my favorites) and have always had the habit of eating and eating until they are either gone or I am literally too full to have another.  Due to this habit, I have started to tell myself "Treat you body like a machine, NOT a garbage disposal."  And quite honestly, I was a full fledged garbage disposal the last few days - WHICH NEEDS TO CHANGE!

As far as workouts, I decided to change a scheduled interval swim day and a scheduled interval run day to a Critical Swim Speed (CSS) Test and a 10k Run Test respectively.  I made a late decision to add more testing into my annual training programs, which is something that I informally have done in the past.  My previous "testing" never followed a repeatable testing protocol and was just merely comparing previous hard workouts with other hard workouts of similar distances.  I am incorporating a standard CSS test for swim fitness, a 10k run test for run fitness, and a 40k time trial for my bike fitness.  I pulled the testing protocols for the CSS test from the Swim Smooth book I discussed HERE.  It consists of a warm-up, then a 400 yard all out swim followed by a 200 yard all out swim and finished with a cool down.  My 10k run test, consists -of a 1 mile warm-up with some leg swings, lunges, and short sprints (pick-ups) then a 10k (6.2 mile) run for time, and finishes with a brief cool down.  My 40k time trail is similar to the 10k run test, but 40k (24.8 miles) and done on a bike.

I wanted to begin training with some baseline testing to look back on.  But due to cold weather and some icy road conditions I was only able to complete a CSS test and 10k run test.  My CSS test resulted with a 400 time of 6:00 and a 200 time of 2:49, which I was extremely happy with.  I can now use those times to determine a CSS training pace to aid in determining paces to swim at during specific workouts.  My pace per 100 yards is 1:36.  For my 10k run test I ran the 10k in 39:10 (6:19/mile pace), which I honestly feel indifferent about.  I wouldn't have minded a faster time, but also need to realize that it's plenty EARLY.

Other than the two fitness tests, there were really no big items of note.  I only missed one workout during this cycle.  On day 7 I was scheduled to strength train after my swim workout.  I didn't get my butt out of bed early enough to fit it all in and only swam that day.  So not all was lost.  It possibly was a blessing in disguise, because I was quite sore from the previous 10k run test and strength training probably wouldn't have helped things out and left me more sore.

Favorite Workout

My favorite workout of this cycle would either be my CSS test or my long run on day 9.  I went into my CSS test with the hopes of averaging 1:35 per 100 yards for the 400y and 1:30 for the 200y.  I did better then I had hoped.  As I noted above, I swam a 6:00 for the 400y (1:30 pace) and 2:49 (1:24 pace) for the 200y.  I first swam a 900 yard warm up set consisting of 3x(3x100y) with varying different drills for each individual 100.  I than swam a 300 yard build set of 4x75y to start thinking of swimming fast.  After these two sets, I rested and swam my 400 first.  I took as much time after the 400 to catch my breath and allow my body time to clear out all the lactic acid which took about 3 minutes, at which time I swam my 200.  I then swam a 100 with a pull bouy and finished with 100 yards of a kicking set.  

The reason I enjoyed my simple long run this cycle is the simplicity of it.  I just went out and ran for an hour.  I had no specific pace to hit no distance in mind, just go and move forward for 60 minutes.  I got up early and went out.  Sure, it was a tad chilly, but I was up and out before the sun and finished right as the sun was starting to come out.  I ended up running just under 8 miles and had a low average heart rate - PERFECT!  There's something relaxing about not checking your watch once and just going out and thinking about what ever comes to mind.  Takes me back to why I got started in all the endurance junk the simplicity and almost therapeutic qualities of it.  I turned on my iPod and just zoned out for 60 minutes and cleared my mind - makes me happy just thinking of it.

Moving Forward

The next cycle will be another test of my mental condition.  Right in the middle of the cycle lies Christmas.  Not only will I be tested for making time for workouts, but I will undoubtedly be tempted with an absurd amount of cookies, sweets, cakes, chocolates, etc, etc, etc.  Not only is this a busy time of the year with the holidays, but my Sister-in-law is getting married on December 29th, which doesn't technically fall into this cycle, but some of the wedding events do.  The rehearsal dinner is on the 28th and the fact that my wife is her older and only sister, she has her duties as the Maid of Honor.  This cycle will no doubt be a challenge to enjoy the holidays and family, but also balance it with work and my training.  Yes, I said work, unfortunately working the holidays comes with the territory of being a cop.  Not much I can do about it.  I work right through the 25th, but have a few additional days off beginning on the 26th which will be nice.  This cycle I want to be able to enjoy what the holidays offer but keeping myself in check by not over eating and still get my workouts in each day.  On top of all that, my home town (an nearly the entire Midwest) is currently under a Winter Storm Warning.  Winter Storm Draco is scheduled to bring over a full foot of snow beginning late Wednesday night and continue through Thursday evening.  First off, let me tell you, I absolutely despise winter and everything it stands for.  I hate the cold, I hate sloppy roads, I hate snow, I hate ice, I hate shoveling, I hate snow plows, I hate limited day light - I could go on, but I'll spare you.  So, not only am I grumpy because of the imminent threat of snow, but I am also, not looking forward to running through the snow.  So this upcoming cycle is going to be just great (said with plenty of sarcasm) I can tell!

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