Monday, October 28, 2013

YMCA Freaky 5k - Race Report

I have had the YMCA Freaky 5k on my radar pretty much since the start of the year.  This is a race that I have done now for the past 4(?) years and one that I pretty much plan on running no matter what, even if I work the night before.  Plus this year, I thought that Maya was finally old and mature enough to do the kid's fun run before.  Maya has never done an "official" kids run, were I actually had to register her and pay for her.  Yes, she did complete the kid's fun run before the Patriot March 5k a few weeks back, but it was free and nothing organized.  This had a different feel to it.  She got her own bib, and a race t-shirt, along with a goodie bag chock full of stuff, from candy to free coupons.

Training Plan

I haven't really had a formal training plan.  I have been doing what ever I feel like doing, when I feel like doing it.  I do have some structure to it though.  I have been trying to get in 3 runs during a calendar week - a easy 4-6 mile run, a 5-6 mile fartlek run (think unstructured interval work), and a 6-8 mile "long" run.  Between those runs, I have been swimming and biking as I see fit and taking day's off when I feel like taking off.  I have still been getting outside on my bike even though it's starting to get rather chilly, but the roads are clear and I know the snow is coming, so I have been trying to squeeze the most out of the season as I can.  

Day/Night Before

The race was on this past Saturday morning.  It fell directly in the middle of my work rotation.  I had to work Thursday night into Friday morning.  On Friday morning I did a short 2,000 meter swim consisting mostly of drill work.  I got to bed around 10ish and got my usual 7ish hours of sleep.  I then had to work Friday night into Saturday morning and got out from work on time and went directly from work to Pierce Park where the race was held.  

Getting to the Start Line

The kids race didn't start until 8:00 and the 5k at 8:30 and I got to the park around 6:45, so I was plenty early.  Sarah and the girls didn't get to the park until around 7:30.  So while I waited, I picked up everyone's race packets and bibs.  As soon as they got to the park, we got the stroller all set up and got the girls into their costumes and then brought them to the start of the kid's "Mini Monster Dash" fun run.

Kid's Mini Monster Dash 1/4 Mile Fun Run

Maya had been looking forward to this race ever since she did the fun run at the Patriot March 5k.  I was probably just as excited for her as she was, if not more.  It was fun to see the excitement in her eyes when ever she talked about it.  Sarah told me that she woke up all excited on the morning of the race and got herself all dressed and talked about nothing other than running fast like daddy in her race.  The cool part was that she got her first official race bib.  Her cousin (my God Son), Bradyn was in town staying with Sarah's parents for the weekend, so we signed him up for the race as well.  Maya was wearing her Merida costume (from Disney's Brave) and Bradyn was dressed up as Wolverine.  This was Bradyn's first race and Maya's 2nd fun run.  Once they started the race, Bradyn was a little hesitant to start out, but Maya helped him out.  For one reason or another Bradyn didn't want to run right away, but Maya wanted to, so I jogged along side Maya and Sarah's younger brother ran with along side Bradyn.  After they finished the kids got their medal and they were very proud of them.  

3.1 Mile Run

After the kid's run, I had about 15 mins before the start of the race, so I took off to go get warmed up for the 5k.  After a short 5-10 minute warm up (I would have liked about 10-15 full minutes of warming up) I got to the start line just before the National Anthem.  Shortly after that, we were off.  They changed the course this year slightly to make the course like a lollipop where you run out, do a small loop, and come back the way you went out, ultimately finishing were you started.  The course is a great course, but challenging.  You start out going down hill almost immediately and then run back up a similar hill all within the first 3/4 of a mile.  I started the race as I do most other races, a little more reserved than most.  Especially with the hill right at the start, I did not want to over do it within the first 10th of a mile.  By the time we hit the 1st uphill I found myself in 3rd place with a guy pushing a single child stroller behind me.  It was at that exact moment I told myself, "there is no way you're going to let a guy pushing a stroller beat you - especially with how hilly this course is!"  At that time I did my best to hold on, continue to push to try and catch the 2nd place guy, and not get passed by anyone.  After the first mile, I settled into a good 5k pace.  I was still in 3rd place at this time and had built a decent lead over the 4th place guy, but was still about 10-15 seconds behind 2nd place.  That pretty much stayed constant throughout the entire race.  The most difficult part of the race was the final uphill at about mile 3.  The last 10th of a mile in a 5k is the most difficult part, even without a hill at the end.  So forcing your body to push past maximal effort during the last bit of an all out race and go up a steep hill is extremely taxing!  I finished still in 3rd place with a time of 18:21, the guy who took 4th was the dude pushing the single child stroller - totally badass!  

Post Race

Immediately after finishing, I congratulated the guy who was pushing the stroller on a fantastic run, along with the dude who took 2nd place.  I then waited for my dad to come across and then we jogged the course in reverse to walk with Sarah and the girls.  After catching up with Sarah and the girls, Maya and Bradyn wanted to get out of the stroller and I said I would walk with them.  We were right around the 2 mile mark at this point and they wanted to try and run the last bit of the course.  I thought that was the coolest thing ever.  I was so proud and happy that they wanted to do this on their own without any prompting.  I gladly ran along side them.  They ended up running until they got too tired to continue and then when they caught their breath again, they would run.  They continued this walk/run cycle all the way to the finish line.  I was honestly more proud of the way the finished the last mile of the 5k then the fact that they ran nearly the entire kid's fun run.  After the kids finished, I took them each through the post race food area and then we hung around for the awards ceremony.  A short while later, I received a rather large 3rd place trophy.  Maya was so happy and proud of her daddy!  After enjoying the post-race company of my parents and in-laws, I was starting to get tired and needed to get to bed.  It was time to put yet another great Freaky 5k in the books and head home.

Other Notes

I was honestly a little bummed with my time as I kind of hoping to beat my previous PR I set at the Jailbreak 5k of 17:49.  However, once you take into consideration all the hills on the new course, it's tough to say how this time compares to other 5k times.  My time from last years Freaky 5k, were we only ran down and up the hills once, was 18:14, but took 5th overall.  Either way, I am very happy with my finish and my time.  And in no way am I disappointed or upset with my time.

Lessons for Future Events

Really nothing much to take away here, just another 5k in the books!  I do, now know, that Maya is more than old enough to start doing races on her own, which is awesome!  I can't wait to continue to share my passion of racing and endurance sports with her as she gets older.  But, I know right now, I will NOT be one of those parents who pushes their kids to do things and I will not force Maya to do anything.  If she is old enough to run a fun run or whatever, then she is old enough to decide on her own if she wants to participate in those events.  But, based on how much she enjoyed the Freaky 5k, I have a funny feeling she'll be wanting to do more and more of these events.  

What's Next

I have one final race on my schedule for 2013, The Festival Food's Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning.  I am going to continue to doing what I have been doing for the past month - just doing what I feel like doing wtih some moderate structure.  I'll continue to run 3 times a week and just fill the other 4 days with other fluff to keep my satisfied and happy.  Within the past week, I have also decided that I need to make a change in my eating habits.  Since the IM I have found myself eating anything and everything I see and I have had some of the worst self control I have ever had.  It has been especially bad since we have been getting a ton of Halloween candy from all the festivities Sarah has been bringing the girls to.  This past Monday, I made the firm statement that this is changing today.  Since Monday, I have eaten as clean as I have ever eaten and I am determined to get my weight back down were it should be.  I have said too many times the past year or two that I need to lose the excess weight I have put on since becoming a full time 3rd shift patrol officer.  If you even look back to my Lakefront Marathon Race Report from over a year ago, I made the statement that I need to lose the weight.  I know it's been a focal point of at least 3-4 posts on this very website, but I have never been able to make the commitment to a strict diet.  I have been able to follow a strict diet for about 3-5 days and then I fall right back into the bad habits that got me to where I am now.  So now, I have been eating less, controlling my hunger through a higher fat diet and cutting back calories.  Granted it has only been a week, but in the past week alone, I have felt great, sleeping better, having quality workouts, and been happier in general, all while eating fewer calories, but eating very nutrient rich foods, such as vegetables, healthy fats, dark leafy greens, and drinking a lot of whole leaf teas and water.  I have not been tracking my calories at all and have not laid out a formal diet plan to follow.  My only rule is to eat clean, unprocessed foods and aim to get majority of calories from fats and proteins.  I have eaten nothing but salads, lean proteins (tuna and salmon), fruits, and vegetables.  My goal now is to stay eating like this and continue to do so until I reach my goal weight of 155-160 by my birthday, March 2nd.  So far - so good, if I can continue like this and stay focused, I may just allow a pig out day on Thanksgiving....we'll see  :)

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