Monday, November 11, 2013

Bowling With the Girls

This past Saturday was my Monday.  Sarah was off of work and we had a few spare coupons for a free game of bowling at the local bowling alley.  We decided that we would take the girls bowling for the first time in the morning.  On Saturday morning we all woke up and Maya, Delaney, and I made pancakes for breakfast.  After eating breakfast as a family we got ready and were off for bowling.  On the way to the bowling alley, Maya, said something that stuck with me, she said that she "really loves family days."  It meant a lot to me to hear her say that.  It affirmed that Sarah and I are doing right.  It showed me that we are raising a daughter who has a strong sense of family and values spending time together as a family.  Having her ask about "Family Day." makes me think that we will have to have regular "Family Days."  My next set of off days we may even let her plan our next family day.

After we got to the bowling alley, the girls were both very excited with a curiosity of what exactly bowling was.  They were both anxious to put on their individual bowling shoes and to pick out their bowling balls.  After getting set up on our lane, we were all set to start bowling and began youngest to oldest.  Delaney was the first to go, and of course, on her first ball, she bowls a strike.  It was rather comical.  Maya was next.  She required a little assistance, but still was able to roll her ball the entire distance of the lane.  By the end of the first game, Maya was bowling on her own and Delaney was having a blast watching the pins fall.  Sadly, also by the end of our first game, Sarah and defeated me 99-103...pathetic!  It has been who knows how long it has been since I last went bowling, needless to say, I had lost the touch for a good hook.  Oh well, spending the time with my daughters and wife was worth every minute of it.  I have to agree with Maya - I just love Family Days!

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